There's a spirit binding all Hindus of various denominations & philosophies which has held us together in the worst of calamities and let us triumph the insurmountable odds against survival. The spirit is eternal belief in,adherence to and practice of r^ita & dharma seeded as well as nurtured and perpetuated by varuNa in the marrows of our subconscious. We're programmed to the r^ita & dharma for 7000 years or more, thanks to all our pitr despite we being unawares of it now in our consciousness.
All the highly organized & authoritative Xtian/Parsi empires fell to Islam in a jiffy but we never gave up the fight. Christianity conquered most of the globe & humanity but failed against us. From the universal & eternal r^ita dharma stem out various sampradAya & matAntara per vyakti/samAja, sthAna & kAla. If at all we're looking for the one umbrella its that r^ita dharma as told by shruti,and the rest aligns itself thereof. And its enshrined in our shruti to kill & decimate whosoever and whatsoever distorts r^ita & harms dharma.
All the asura and sura have to follow the path maintained by varuNa, and the deviants deserve to be punished incumbent upon the severity of their transgression. Those who seek to destroy the path of devas & dharma must be utterly destroyed. This vaidika tenet ought to be our credo &fundamental guiding principle and accordingly we must be exceptionally brutal & exceedingly merciless against abject anrta & flagrant adharma. This precludes the need of only one particular organization to lead us if we follow the basics. rAmAyaNa/mahAbhArata are best examples of different people uniting against adharma and so did many Hindu kings against invaders,successfully.
We do not have a history of losing battles but of not consolidating victories and not punishing the mlechCha yavana to their utter destruction. But when Hindu polity was lead by only one megalomaniac/megalith like MKG,JLN,Cong the unwitting Hindu flock was lead to slaughter. Again we might suffer a redux of recent past of betrayal if the only org/party we blindly trust crumbles itself or worse becomes a quisling or actually turns out to be a Manchurian candidate.
In another example the finishing off of Hindu Maha Sabha & similar organizations and them being replaced by one mega organization alone did not turn out to be that great as it turned out to be a giant sloth which acquiesced to the fraud of democracy and secularism to sustain its own existence rather than to fight for its original cause. Its protégé has won recent elections but the cancer has already metastatised. In past we've Peshwa Raghunath Rao who led to Hindu decline owing to his own attributes despite being in an unchallenged position and in a contrasting light the sudden demise of the young & great Bajirao compromised Hindu strength forever.
The size and extent of respective Hindu organizations is immaterial compared to their existence and flourishing itself. pratihAra, rAShTrakUta, paramAra, chandrAtreya, hoyasala, kAkatIya, vijayanagara, ahom, maharaTTa.. all were minute tiny fringe once. History books as mere books are for university exams at best. History ,but, is reflected in present. Realism, and, is rooted in past.
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