The "everlasting" & great Roman(Byzantine)Empire lost most of its territories,except a tiny region concentric to Constantinople,to Islam in mere 04years(634-638). The,non-Arab Zoroastrian,mighty & great Persian empire was militarily+politically vanquished,in toto,by Islam in mere 18 years(633-651).
All the US sponsored "coloured springs",in the ArabicSpeakingWorld,to violent coup +/- CivilWar effected within a span of mere 2-3 years.
Above are some real examples from distant and immediate histories so as to how actually great(& really eternal in their times,at least) empires/civilisations crumble like a cookie and go into oblivion in a jiffy when they are faced with an enemy rooted in some motivated faith/religion. Accept it or not, we Hindus are fighting a civilisational existential war thrust upon us by the vile+relentless abrahamics. In this civilisational existential war we Hindus cannot throw our lots with some EconomicMiracle/EaseOfBusiness/Elections/Constitution.
The essence is:
The war for our very survival itself is here & needs cold decisions with urgent actions. Nothing will save us Hindus in this Civilisational Existential War if do not recognize it & accept it with resolve to fight. For our victory in Hindu Civilisation's Existential War ,to come with huge sacrifices,needs urgency in anti-abrahamic & pro-Hindu strategies,now. As the sayings go:first things first & शुभस्य शीघ्रं,we Astika~s of the sanAtana dharma must realise our priorities first for our शुभं.
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