Shame on you Tenzin Gyatso Kundan! I still haven't relinquished the notion that Dalai Lama is an avatAra though I'm not a nAstika bauddha. Whenever I read about your early life tears swell up in my eyes and overwhelmed with veneration I nearly cried watching the very accurate documentary like cinema Kundun (by the great Scorcese). I do not hide this.
But day by day you're behaving and uttering more like Tenzin, not even Kundan, forget Dalai Lama. Your seculib observations on Bihar poll results is the latest. So after Parsees(Soli Sorabjee) its the turn of Buddhists(Dalai Lama) to teach Hindus secularism, liberalism, tolerance & communal harmony. Is there some design behind this pattern? Well, Hindus must be wary and why not! All those escapees from persecution whom we sheltered have time and again betrayed us.
Footnote: DalaiLama's core team heavily infiltrated as well as influenced by whites, especially US,even before 1950s. Senile Tenzin Ji foaming up what he's discreetly fed by his inner circle.
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