रविवार, 25 अक्टूबर 2015

Why we comment on politics, religion & all.

Let us make it clear.  We do not express our views on politics & national affairs for the heck of it or to corner some personal benefits. Our one and only motive is to pave the path for Hindu Rashtra of Bharatavarsha. No person or government or system is sacrosanct if it's in contravention to and/or in contradiction with the reestablishment of our सनातन पुण्यभूमि आर्ष भारत of the आर्यावर्त्त and we neither believe in nor practice purposeless praise and sycophancy.

One thing about some debate on legislature versus judiciary: we're straddled by adhArmika compendium of anti-Hindu mlechCha rules & laws a legacy of centuries of abrahamic foreign rule. What we actually need is the rule of dharma as upheld by varuNa and as expounded by great riShis munis in dharma shAstras & sUtras with later age Astika jnAnins writing newer smritis rooted in rita to suit the modern times if the need arise.

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