Many Hindus, even those active on SM,do not know yet about a great karmayOgi of our times who singlehandedly created an intellectual platform to counter the anti-Hindu pseudo-intellectual and viciously powerful adhArmika forces. Having sacrificed almost everything he left his "job"/"business" and put his entire amount of personal savings and family life into raising the now superstrong edifice which greatly provides an effective bulwark against our enemies and has taken the fight into the abrahamic territory itself raising heckles and creating panic in our enemies' camps. Our intellectual warriors now with greater force and better results avail of this rock solid firmament that is #IndiaFacts and our venerable karmayOgin is shrI #SandeepBalakrishna of Bengaluru. Once again we applause his yeoman's service to Hindutva and his exemplary, inspirational and superhuman efforts to save dharma and rAShTra braving the fire of abrahamics, we salute him and wish the very best in his endeavour and that may he enjoy a long, healthy & successful life. We're with him.
May his Himalayan enterprise #IndiaFacts grow by leaps & bounds with our help and help destroy our enemies forever. He is on Facebook and Twitter as well. May indra's mighty vajra be with him and all such Hindu efforts. We Hindus should be eternally thankful to such mahAtmans who like r^iShi dadhIchi dedicate their lives for dharma. Names of such nAyakas will be written boldly in gold when we Hindus write our own history and that'll only happen when we annihilate as well as exterminate forever our enemies. And to achieve this Pyrrhic victory victory we too need to make sacrifices like Sandeep ji and his ilk and if needed attain vIragati too. Lets join our minds and hold our hands together chanting in resonant unison our vaidika mantra to return to the harmonious, synergistic, glorious and victorious ways of prakr^iti and the dEvas:
संगच्छध्वं संवदध्वं संवोमनांसि जानताम्।
देवाभागं यथापूर्वे संजानानां उपासते॥
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