As dengue claims lives furthermore the people are clamouring for the lives of doctors..beating them up almost all over the country. But none from the public dares touch the municipal/civic/gov't workers & officials who are actually and factually accountable as well as directly responsible for the dengue epidemic.
How the heck doctors are responsible for dengue?????!!!!!Dengue epidemic has happened because mosquitoes are breeding and biting unbridled. Who's responsible? Doctors..or govt or municipal agencies or the politicians? Dengue is just an example. People know who's the punching bag, the easy target who cannot,in fact can never ever, hit back at them. Why not dare thrash & beat up civic/municipal/govt officials and netalog? "Poor and innocent hapless" people know its consequences and thus their asses don't bolt away from their stables.
Just like when people are shot,knifed or become road traffic accident victims or consume adulterated alcohol to die or any disaster happens and then thrash the doctors but dare not touch the police, municipalities, administration, politicians and their own ilk for these deaths. They know they'll pay for it through their noses with their own blood.And let's be frank, at least in Delhi, our dear BJP cannot escape blame as all the municipal corporations are solely under its dispensation; howmuchsoever they try blaming the rival political parties.
And pause and think: बच्चियाँ मरवाना क्या अल्ट्रासाउण्ड मशीन आने के पश्चात् और वह भी डॅाक्टरों ने आरंभ करवाया??? डॅाक्टरों के पास लिंग निर्धारण व गर्भपात का "अनुरोध" कौन लेकर आता है और उन "भोलेभाले" नागरिकों के लिये किस दण्ड का प्रावधान है जो मूलतः तथा वस्तुतः कन्या हत्या करवाते हैं????
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