शनिवार, 27 जून 2015

Feeding cows to "hungry children".

Sonia Falerio is a mulatto from Goa,daughter of Ex CM of Goa Eduardo Falerio. The zombie-cultist wants cows be fed to "hungry children" in Indya, an important aspect of "Idea of India".

Now this despicable witch, for butchering cows , starts the article with invoking MK Gandhi in the very first sentence itself, who himself contradictory to the spirit of this entire exercise was vehemently against killing any animal for food and went all out against Cow-slaughter; durAtmA deserves credit here but the corpse-priestess deliberately gives it a wide miss.

Oh yes! Feed cows to "hungry children" overriding nonsensical "religious bigotry". Why not? Would she make even a feeble plea,not as impassioned one as for beef, for pork being fed to hungry Muslims and Jews in Indya and world? And for that matter would the putrefaction-godwoman implore her American(US,Canada) & quite a few European syndicate of masters to let the holy faithful brethren of undeads satiate their famished existence with horsemeat & dogmeat which are banned by the high priests of cadavers otherwise?

And this vile hateful demeaning insulting and deliberate anti-Hindu propaganda of hers, the death-cultists of the schizophrenic shepherd carpenter actually, obviously is published in the New York Times with great prominence and is being championed around in all seculib circles within Indya as well as world.
This article does NOT concern or address any issue even remotely tangential to nutrition,health,poverty,hunger,food,country's growth,anything good or positive for bhArata and sanAtanI Hindus.

The sole purpose of its, in a series of such incessant vitriolic & vituperative insinuations & allegations on a trot since the regime change in the truncated stump of what was once AryAvartta akhaNDa bhAratavarSha, is to reinforcingly, schematically, meticulously & systematically  denigrate, vilify, criminalise & demonise all the Hindus, entire bhAratavarSha and the current reign having the reins of our realm. End purpose being finish us off, the heathen non-abrahamic pagans, just like the wolf upstream pounced upon the sheep downstream after accusing the herbivore of contaminating the water.

These "articles" are to be used as "incriminating evidences" against "evil & satanic India" as the mlechcHa yavana abrahamic forces have always employed with great success. History is already being written in fast forward mode for future,and its not we who happen to wield the pen here.


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