Finally @LalitKModi has, not unexpectedly, done the unthinkable: uttered the name of VISHKANYA Sonia Gandi.
No surprises he fled his own country to save his & his family's life and Sunanda Pushkar got butchered to death. Same reason Swami Ramdev was coerced by his followers to escape dressed in salwar-kurta after the barbarous police attack.
Those who do not believe yet, here's a brief list of VVVIP bigwigs murdered by Zahru Gandi dynasty:
SP Mukherjee
LB Shastri
LN Mishra
MR Scindia
R Pilot
(There're many middle level & countless other politicians too eliminated by this evil foreign supported dynasty).
And yes, there'll be no media-discussion of course, now will ensue a complete hush hush on this. Also, take note of Trojan in BJP @VarunGandhi80.
मंगलवार, 30 जून 2015
Finally someone has uttered Sonia Gandi's name
Vaccines and humanity.
This propaganda poster actually is a plain lie itself.
On the contrary vaccines are one of the biggest achievements of human beings,probably the biggest.
And we assert that vaccines,especially those in the universal immunization programme(UIP) of our country, are not only safe but extremely effective also.
Its patently wrong and highly misinformed of us to blindly tarnish vaccines.
Antagonism to vaccines is in fact abrahamic bigotry resurgent in past few decades in conjunction with their antipathy to stem-cell research etc with an aim to keep humans in their servile bondage, ignorance, falsehood, bigotry, dogma, barbarity & savagery.
सोमवार, 29 जून 2015
The greatest PM of bhArata, PVNR
In our eyes the greatest PM of bhArata is shrI Pamulapati Venkata Narasimha Rao. Over last 24 years since as a child and into now mature adulthood multiple repeat analyses of PVNR have only reinforced this fact about him. Vajpayee was only taking forward his predecessor's policies and Modi is yet to make a mark while great Shastri Ji unfortunately was murdered before he could establish his long lasting legacy.
While growing up as a child just into my pre-teens and a random yet not irregular listener of Akashvani, Radio Germany, Voice of America, Radio Japan, BBC, Voice of Russia, Radio China (all have Hindi services) & Radio Pakistan his great deeds on domestic as well as international fronts still play out like a live video streaming in front of our eyes. World was reeling under crises & multiple wars post collapse of USSR, Indian economy was worse than that of a beggar's, terrorism was at its peak in all four corners of bhArata, there was almost zero diplomatic+trade relations with Japan,SKorea, SEAsia,Africa,LatAmerica, Israel, Germany, France.. In fact look east policy is his legacy, he went on his first foreign visit to newly unified Germany, took tour of multiple African & LatAm states even like BurkinaFaso & addressed its Parliament, despite collapse of USSR he did not gift bhArata to US & developed relations afresh with post USSR Russia & CIS countries.. Whoa! The list is endless!
In Punjab there was no government there for >6 years thanks to Frankensteinesque terrorism coopted by Pakistan & its bosses in West. Within months elections were arranged at gunpoint, yes gunpoint with no political correctness nonsense, KPS Gill was brought out of retirement to be made state's DGP and Beant Singh made CM with both given free hand with brute force and within two years Punjab was terrorism free,unthinkable!! In J&K clandestine counter-terror insurgent force Ikhwan Ul Musalmin was raised which broke the back of terrorism and he never gave into any demand of terrorists during any hostage crisis including Hazratbal & Chrar E Sharif despite the latter even being burnt down while the demand of release of Maulana Masood Azhar being made in the former, Vajpayee released the terrorist later in IC814 drama and Masood later did spectacular daring attack of terrorism 911. For five years terrorism was invisible in Kashmir. In J&K operation Bajrang & Op Pawan broke the backs of terrorism alongside the creation of SULFA all of which made the ULFA leadership scurrying into Paki & BD hellholes under their masters there. Assam too had elections after many years then...
No man howsoever great though is without imperfections & fallacies of his own which PVNR sure did have and he too committed a few follies & has some foibles to his otherwise illustrious name & career. But as it is with all the great personalities & true statesmen in his case too the positives far outweigh the negatives. Most of the really pathbreaking & spectacular research/achievements by ISRO & DRDO were in the period between 1991-96 where we broke new grounds to become exporter of space services & tech alongwith many collaborations with the European space agency & Russias(with Kazakhs as well). And thank him for Babri demolition and nuclear tests under next govt, both the pinnacle of Hindu assertion and pride.
What he achieved in just under 5 years is mind-numbing, to say the least. Howmuchsoever we write about him is not enough to describe how he saved not only our country but rAShTra, dharma & civilisation also. asaMkhya shaNkha praNAma to this truly great son of soil whom we are eternally indebted to.
We only vaguely remember his economic achievements whence he actually saved bhArata mAtA and her children out of samudra of pAtAla just like vArAhAvatAra rescued bhUdEvI.
yadA yadA hi dharmasya glAnirbhavati bhArataH
abhyutthAnaM adharmasya tadAtmAnaM srijAmyahaM
paritrANAya sAdhUnAM vinAShAya cha duShkritAM
dharma saMsthApanArthAya saMbhavAmi yuge yuge.
रविवार, 28 जून 2015
Hindu PoV of homosexuality,paedophilia & their ilk.
As Hindus,especially in bhArata, we're neither for nor against homosexuals but definitely do not want it to become mainstream/dominant discourse. As on an individual personal level its tolerated/ignored/accepted but at the plane of polity its ramifications are much feared. Homosexuality is bound to influence public opinion in favour of other paraphilias(paedophilia being most common amongst them) with almost the same arguments as for homosexuality regarding choice/orientation & human rights.
Hindus recognise the existence of third gender(congenital/genetic) and India ie bhArata is one of the first countries in world to legally recognise the third gender(vide Supreme Court judgement). On a personal level we've deep empathy for the people born in the third gender and want them to be fully integrated in mainstream for livelihood as well as recognition & dignity. But what two individuals mutually do to each other's genitalia for gratification should not be dictated by law and must remain confined within the sheets & curtains of bedroom of those individuals.
What dharma & its shAstras and science say on homosexuality, paedophilia, bestiality and the rest of paraphilias is neither in favour of disintegration of societies nor discontinuation of species.
No political-correctness , judicial activism or social activism of any kind should infringe upon the rights & social life of those who are not exposed to or do not want to be a part of paraphilias. Else this will lead to progressive anarchy and complete failure of society and nation as there's no end to "choices, orientations & rights". Subterfuge & sabotage is but actually the main reason & force behind this persistently growing call for mainstreaming "alternative-sexuality" which has global dimensions funded,networked & muscled by a cartel of competing yet mutually fornicating adhArmika forces.
मित्र वरुण
शनिवार, 27 जून 2015
Feeding cows to "hungry children".
Sonia Falerio is a mulatto from Goa,daughter of Ex CM of Goa Eduardo Falerio. The zombie-cultist wants cows be fed to "hungry children" in Indya, an important aspect of "Idea of India".
Now this despicable witch, for butchering cows , starts the article with invoking MK Gandhi in the very first sentence itself, who himself contradictory to the spirit of this entire exercise was vehemently against killing any animal for food and went all out against Cow-slaughter; durAtmA deserves credit here but the corpse-priestess deliberately gives it a wide miss.
Oh yes! Feed cows to "hungry children" overriding nonsensical "religious bigotry". Why not? Would she make even a feeble plea,not as impassioned one as for beef, for pork being fed to hungry Muslims and Jews in Indya and world? And for that matter would the putrefaction-godwoman implore her American(US,Canada) & quite a few European syndicate of masters to let the holy faithful brethren of undeads satiate their famished existence with horsemeat & dogmeat which are banned by the high priests of cadavers otherwise?
And this vile hateful demeaning insulting and deliberate anti-Hindu propaganda of hers, the death-cultists of the schizophrenic shepherd carpenter actually, obviously is published in the New York Times with great prominence and is being championed around in all seculib circles within Indya as well as world.
This article does NOT concern or address any issue even remotely tangential to nutrition,health,poverty,hunger,food,country's growth,anything good or positive for bhArata and sanAtanI Hindus.
The sole purpose of its, in a series of such incessant vitriolic & vituperative insinuations & allegations on a trot since the regime change in the truncated stump of what was once AryAvartta akhaNDa bhAratavarSha, is to reinforcingly, schematically, meticulously & systematically denigrate, vilify, criminalise & demonise all the Hindus, entire bhAratavarSha and the current reign having the reins of our realm. End purpose being finish us off, the heathen non-abrahamic pagans, just like the wolf upstream pounced upon the sheep downstream after accusing the herbivore of contaminating the water.
These "articles" are to be used as "incriminating evidences" against "evil & satanic India" as the mlechcHa yavana abrahamic forces have always employed with great success. History is already being written in fast forward mode for future,and its not we who happen to wield the pen here.
शुक्रवार, 26 जून 2015
Natural selection within species-al-Islam
Beheadings of rivals(AlQaeda etc)by ISIL/ISIS.
#NaturalSelection of the best within the species-al-Islam. All "fitnas"(internecine/civil wars) since 632AD have only strengthened Islam with further more virulent strain emerging and taking over it whenever the faith of Allah has slackened or deviated from the path as enshrined in Quran.
Time for the more effective Islamic ruler. Recall Aurangzeb after Shahjahan, the disintegration of Bahmanids then reuniting of the five sultanates to decisively defeat Vijayanagara. Even in central Asian Islamic khanates the Muslim rulers which were not jihadis or were inclined backwards to turko-mongol paganism were assassinated/butchered. Best example Ulugh Beg, grandson of Timur the Lame. And of course the great fitnas in Caliphate after Muhammad.
All these only have given rise to much stronger & invigorated Islam thus time and again reinstating and maintaining at peak its inherent aggression, savagery, dogma, bigotry, hatefulness, depravity, cruelty, apathy, violence & genocidal Geo-dominance.
Menage de trois in West Asia. Israel-USA-KSA...and..
Two good articles which dare to discuss the ugly bond between Israel & Saudi Arabia.
Though claiming neutrality the authors still betray their American Christian leanings and yet fail to mention the menage de trois of Israel-USA-KSA.
Coming back to the Israel-KSA adulterous affair three things are of significance:
१) No one is permanent enemy in geopolitics as till 1990s Iran and Israel were very chummy & pally and that relation braved through Shah,Revolution and Iran-Iraq war.
२) Israel either had something to do with 911 complicit with KSA or Israel hid a lot from US even when it independently came to know a lot about it.
३) ISIS is a bastard of Israel & Saudis with USA being the matchmaker as well as the surrogate and Turkey & Qatar chipping in as midwife & nanny.
Those who are confused and/or do not know should find that "Wahhabi" Islam & "Ultra-Orthodox" Judaism are almost the same except for difference in names. Add to it the various Baptists & "born again" Christianity and Zionist Christianity of the US. All of these together want to redraw world's borders starting with West Asia in a savage zeal to fulfill their respective abrahamic "prophesies & eschatology".
शुक्रवार, 19 जून 2015
Blacks, the "dalits" of US.
मित्र वरुण >> American Dalits in their Ambedkarite chaitya butchered by evil brahminical casteist bigot.
Anil Kumar Shukla >> Go on spreading some more words of hatred against Brahmins you privileged bigot....!!!
मित्र वरुण >> Americans(white & black both) claim that dalits are the blacks of India and that the dalits are a separate race exploited by Brahmins who are white Aryan invaders. Next context is that in America you cannot go into churches of other denominations as well as ethnicities.
Even Roman Catholic churche(s) (for example) are divided along ethnic/racial lines. Italians have separate churches than Mexicans, Irish have separate churches than French. Even amongst Lutheran sub-denomination of Protestants the Germans go to their own churches and Scandinavians go to theirs. List is endless.
Coming back to the original topic: blacks do not have cultural ethnicity of their own but have only a racial identity with slave background. They've largely Protestant or Catholic churches which are the spin-offs of their slave ancestors segregated churches within the larger Christian denominations.
Blacks cannot even enter any white church except probably as undesirable onlookers/guests. Of course the whites find it beneath their dignity to even think of entering a black church except when they want to commit massacres.
[Sir plz understand the sarcasm ;) ]