रविवार, 30 नवंबर 2014
Only varNa dharma can defend and save us Hindus from the civilisational existential crisis
We Hindus have been comprehensively fooled into believing and 'practicing' that democracy and secularism are the panacea to all the ills plaguing us.
Thankfully some Hindu thinkers have veered around this reality having risked being labelled as Hindu extremists etc.
But what's the solution? Which system can rescue,defend and emancipate the sanAtana dhArmika Astika~s ie Hindus..?
As we all know now the twin trojans of democracy and secularism having roots in the abrahamic hexagonal hex of Mullah,Missionary,Macaulay,Market,Marx & Media have almost completely denuded,deimmunised and defeated the defence mechanisms of Hindus. And we're gullibly as well as suicidally adhering to the twin trojans as if they're the last lifeboats out of titanic.
The true system which can save us should be indegenous to us. It should be devoid of and bereft of any abrahamic pathogens. And we do have that system very much with us though we ourselves have now maligned it to worst extremes under insipiently lethal influence the delusional hallucinogenic poisons of abrahamism.
That system is varNa dharma based monarchy. Its the system which withstood the onslaught of more than a millenia of barbarian bloodthirsty abrahamic onslaught. Eastern Roman Empire and Persian Empire both had great civilisations and religion but they rapidly succumbed to the arabic islamic plague and could never recover from it despite genuine fightbacks. While we not just survived but defeated and drove back the abrahamic pests many a times. Even during the Mughal dominance and the erstwhile Sultanates many of our Hindu Kingdoms existed, thrived and gave bloody nose to the mahAmadins many a times. That happened not just because of some military strategy but our firm belief in our sanAtana dharma which includes the practice of varNa dharma where shUdra could easily become brAhmaNa and kshatriya.
People knew what was expected of them and rose to the occassion and on many occasions went beyond the call of individual varNa to take the role of other varNa(s) too to defend the dharma. Over the times many castes came to exist which the mahAmadin preta~s and shavasAdhaka~s were never able to penetrate or break. The castes acted as independent multiple subunits which were almost infinte in numbers to be finished off; and with no central 'authority' in dharma and its sanskriti unlike other belief systems our ancestors continued with their dharma undeterred and unabated as they very well knew they were in communion and oneness with the infinite brahma or that they'll be reborn as even a better, and more purposeful Astika dhArmika in next lives as they died defending dharma.
For all the reasons we know or not the fact remains that the very basis of our existence and future is rooted in dharma. There's no need to further elaborate what were the material and physical gains and achievements of our civilisation when it was at its pinnacle in full flow for many millenia. We've to just look into our past without abrahamic colonial glasses. We can regain and retain our vishwaguru status not by practicing faux systems which are basically siphons and trojans specifically built and meant to destroy us from within and keeping us away from even knowing that we Hindus are suffering from multiple metastases of civilisational cancer.
This diseased body of bhAratavarSha needs not symptomatic dressing and concoctions but replace of its original soul and mind: the sanAtana dhArmika soul and mind in its full glory including the practice of varNa dharma. Only then we can regain and retain our vishwaguru status as the sociopolitical & governance system will the hardware and software which is our own uninfected with any malware of foreign and untrusted origin.
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