सोमवार, 8 सितंबर 2014

The pitiably sorry plight of the healers.

This is the harassed, pathetic & hapless condition of doctors in a 'developed first world country' like UK. Such worse that senior consultants are leaving medicine to become 'hair-stylists' to 'car designers',anything but a medical doctor.

In India its even far more worse: unimaginably  uglier and frighteningly scarier, only if someone wishes to look at the monster of the problem(s) in healthcare. UK has a health system,NHS, which is under the lens. India has no health system at all. In India ie bhArata, our barely-existent government/Public healthcare is collapsing/collapsed with even the new government having washed its hands completely off it. And already/rapidly taken over by profiteering ruthless corporates who're either having American progenitors or are their cheap imitations & spinoffs.

But since we're a third rate country without much career options doctors are forced to continue as doctors but of course without proper working conditions,safety,autonomy,dignity,salary,progress/promotions,assurance,family/social life and future; and many a times even continue without any job!

And I'm not talking here about the hordes of doctors trained from run-of-the-mill politicians/Mafia-run mushrooms of private medical colleges. Its the horrendous & pitiably sorry plight of the best of the best talent of doctors trained from even apex/premier government institutes.

All the while people/masses continue  ruminating blissfully unaware & ignorantly aggressive that medical doctors live in some elitist super-luxurious Elysium in the outer space.

P.S.- One aspect this article dared to justly explore & rightly criticise is overt reliance & blind following of 'guidelines' & 'evidence based medicine'. Which I am not against per se yet sincerely & firmly believe that these are basically for the brainless droids & programmed bots which are systematically being selected, entrenched & increased in medicine. These actually do not benefit the patients but even harming them due to idiotic blanket enforcement of zealous yet fearful caution over the judicious application of bold wisdom & experience with autonomous judgement case by case.


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