A colonial, communist, abrahamic, bureaucratic compendium of oppressive & exploitative rules & laws directly derived/copied from the British "India Act,1935"; just tailor-made to deny the real history as well as the true aspirations of bhAratavarSha and its people is presented to us as 'The Constitution'. Which only deserves to be thrown down, reduced to dust & dumped unceremoniously into some obscure stream.
This hollow plagiarism a.k.a. constitution describes our country as "India is a Union of States" which very clearly & outrightly denies the entire past & history of our great country as well as puts into the minds of its citizens the blatantly wrong and utterly false notion that we all are separate, alien & disparate groups/nationalities just held together by some great rule-book called constitution for which we should be thankful to our foreign-origin savage imperialist rulers.
This rAShTra doesn't exist because its an unwieldy union of mutually disagreeing groups/nationalities as the constitution-makers ie Brit autobots would like us to believe. Our rAShtra is the most ancient and greatest civilisation to ever exist on earth and was woefully & ruefully attacked repeatedly and sabotaged by evil barbarian savages interested only in usurping & looting our immense wealth & infinite prosperity; apart from exploiting our inherent nature of tolerance & trustworthiness(derived from dharma) to further their false doctrines, inhuman superstitions & rabid dogmas based on practiced deceit, unexpected violence and incorrigible corruption to all of which though we failed to respond in commensurate & resolute reciprocity.
Though in 1947 after 'independence' & partition it was not possible under those circumstances to reclaim our ancient but subsequently lost territories from central Asia to SE Asia and of course not even the devil Pakistan, the least rectification our the then leadership & constitution-makers could have done was:
(1) to ensure complete exchange of Hindu & Muslim population on the lines of Christian & Muslims in East Europe & Turkey(circa 1918)
(2) and, make our constitution reflect as well as inspire us people of our sanAtana dhArmika essence,heritage,geography,philosophy,technology & valour.
None of these two fundamentally warranted deeds were done and instead we were burdened with a sick cruel joke which only perpetuates & exacerbates the legacy of brown sahibs(long live white sahibs!),institutionalised mediocrity, euro/west centric elitism and carries on as well as deepens the Islamic-European created faultlines of casteism, regionalism, abrahamism(in the name of minorityism). The contribution of then seen as 'elixir of humanity' which ultimately proved to be a lethal toxin ie communism itself is a European construct having been the guiding force behind the constitution; which has only acted as a great catalyst for everything negative and even greater barrier for everything positive about our desha and rAShTra apart from providing faux intellectual narratives.
The constitution vehemently rejects, vociferously negates and ruthlessly crushes the true dharma, great itihAsa, guiding lights of shAstra, egalitarian bhAratIyata: all of which should've been the core of our constitution in first place. And upon that,to rub salts in the wounds we're effectively brainwashed & programmed to think of this civilisational poison which has been amended 100+ times as something 'immutable,sacrosanct & timeless'!
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