Solution to the civilisational crisis faced by us:
First of all we've to acknowledge & accept that we're facing existential threat from abrahamics especially Islam & Christianity.
Then we've to absolutely stop pandering to the 'needs' & demands of abrahamics disregarding even quelling without emotions any opposition from any quarter.
bhAratavarSha be declared a sanAtana dhArmika rAShTra.
We've to allocate funds & energetically start dhArmika training & education with compulsory martial training to all sanAtanIs.
Our brethren must be encouraged & helped with all resources to have more & more children.
Abrahamic institutions of all kinds must be made outlawed, closed, confiscated & redistributed to dhArmika institutions.
No abrahamic must be permitted to have more than one child of any sex.
All abrahamics must be disenfranchised.
No abrahamic must be allowed to have any weapon. Not even licensed ones.
Abrahamics ought not be given key & senior posts & commands.
Abrahamic dogmas themselves must be declared illegal as pure hate-speech threatening peace & humanity.
Of course, each and above of the aforementioned mandatory steps & even more need to be done to save ourselves lest we become the next Yazidis and in recent history those Hindus who were left behind in what was made to be Pakistan & Bangladesh.
P.S.- Seculars can take a hike for pilgrimage to Jerusalem & Mecca-Medina to not return back here while preaching & spreading secularism there. You'll sure be awarded with halaal, gospel or kosher decapitation preceded by public lashing & stoning.
N.B.- The steps suggested are just a tiny & mild fraction of only a few of the StandardOperatingProtocols & ModusOperandi of the alien, cruel, violent, brutal, cunning, treacherous, invading, proselytising, barbarian, deceiving, savage, genocidal maniacs who've now dominated us successfully & ruthlessly though not yet absolutely but on the verge of it.
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