Brainwashed Hindus, seculars & HINOs(Hindus in name only) have been blabbering and proclaiming:
"Hindu Muslim Sikh Isaai aapas mein sab bhai bhai,
Hindu Muslim Bhai Bhai,
Ishwar Allah Tero Naam,
God is only one and all religions are equal and all the same,
sarva dharma samabhAva,
All religions teach brotherhood, love & equality...Blah blah blah".
None of this "Me too just one like you, please make me one of you.. Whether boo me or shoo, Hinduism will follow your shoe" blabbering has ever had any friendly, conciliatory or placatory effect on the rabid, mechanised, dogmatic abrahamics.
They see us always and will continue to look down upon us only as the most base,fallen,devilish,satanic, pagan kafirs & heathens who need to be either subjugated into absolute submission of Allah/Yahweh/God and whose souls be harvested to be saved(whatever that means!) or who deserve to be killed just for being 'non-believers'. That is till we convert to(accept willingly they say) their abrahamic faith. Until then we will be subjected to brainwash till we loath and hate ourselves eventually readying up for being harvested/converted.
And as that's not happening so quickly we will continue to be bombarded upon by proselytisation, liberalism, free-market, jihad, communism, tabligh, jamaat, hurriyat, terrorism, secularism, subterfuge, secessionists, dalitism, missionaries, democracy, maoism, naxalism, dravidianism and many: all of them many heads of one satanic monster ie self-appointed monotheistic abrahamics.
These monstrosities are not anything new to happen. They were even worse in brutality in past, its just that they keep changing their strategies, tactics & appearances. But the time is nigh for what they call Armageddon or Apocalyptic war or Ghazwa-e-Hind(specifically to be precise) which will be primarily fought between dhArmika people and the Muslims(all of them:jihadis on front & so called moderates backing them up to the hilt). With the Christians & Jews pulling the strings to not get themselves dirtied(as they always do especially since past WW2) and greedily investing their resources to reap the harvest of souls as they've been doing after ruining civilisation after civilizations.
This war will not be just a civil war, it will be even bigger & worse than Kurukshetra; as Kurukshetra was dharmayuddha to a large extent which this oncoming war will be not. We will be fighting(we're even fighting it now on a discreet scale) the satanic,abrahamic,pure evil adharma of behemoth size and of raktabIja prakriti. Iconoclastic monotheism,predominantly Abrahamism is a near perfect machine of infective parasitism which is active for the last 2.5 - 3 millennia and will not stop at any cost or by any measure except for its utter destruction,annihilation & extermination.
But,the greatest question is: are we prepared? Prepared for our existential civilisational crisis/war which most of us will have to face & fight in our lifetimes? Mentally, intellectually, logistically, politically, spiritually?
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