शनिवार, 22 मार्च 2014
Sanaatana/Hindu new year
Yesterday/Today (21/22 March) is vernal equinox, when day and night both are equal in length and heralds the begining of warmer weather and marks the northernmost position of the Sun in the celestial hemisphere or that the midnight sun is at the north pole.
And this is the harbinger of new year as observed by the Aaryan people.
We Indians have made a Lunar-Solar joint calendar which takes into account the variations in planetary movement and this year our New Year ie Chaitra Shukla Pratiprada falls on 31March.
Other people of Aaryan heritage (though not Hindus any longer) ie Iranians and Indo-Iranians viz Parsis, Persians, Afghans, Tajiks, Azerbaijanis, Kurds, Yazds and many central asian and caucasus region populations observe NavRoz/Noruz/Nooroz/Nuruz/Nowruz ie New Day on/around 21/22 March itself.
P.S.- Iran is a cognate of the word Aaryan. Afghanistan is also called Ariana ie the country of the Aaryans, even to this day its national airlines is called Ariana.
N.B.- Aarya originally means noble in Sanatana Dharma. Its not any race. Though the western imperialists have until the recent past propounded it as so.
(compiled from various sources)
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